It's On Us

Peer-Education training Program

Survivor Support

This program equips students with the knowledge and tools to respond to a friend, teammate, roommate, or peer who discloses an incident of sexual assault to them. Students who have been sexually assaulted or are experiencing dating violence typically first disclose to a friend or peer. How that person responds to the disclosure can have a long-term impact on whether or not the survivor seeks support services, formally reports the incident, or shares their story with others in the future. 

Students who complete this program will be able to:

  • Understand why survivors do or do not disclose, formally report, or seek formal support services after being sexually assaulted or experiencing dating violence. 
  • Be aware of what a Coordinated Community Response Team is and why their institution should have one.
  • Better understand what types of formal and informal reporting and investigative procedures for sexual assault look like, and be able to identify which types of procedures are in place at their institution.
  • How to appropriately respond when a friend or peer discloses they have been sexually assaulted or have experienced dating violence.
  • Be prepared to serve as peer-educators on this program within their campus communities.

Supporting Materials